Monday, November 14, 2011

What's the Dill? It's National Pickle Day!

I still don't know why I call my daughter Pickles. I think because I like the word, how it sounds. It's a happy word. At any rate, a friend just let me know that today is National Pickle Day. Seriously? That's awesome! I'm such a pickle fan I even dressed my daughter (Bellamy) as one for her first Halloween.

Pickles and Grandma Gini (2010)
Besides the word, I absolutely l-o-v-e eating pickles. Especially fried with ranch. Yum. Paula Deen has a recipe courtesy of Uncle Bubba's Oyster House for Fried Pickles using the hamburger dill slices. As soon as I can get my hands on a deep fryer I'm making those suckers. For now I have to hang my head at the local Hooter's to get this kind (as opposed to the spear version found everywhere these days). Here's a pic of those nummy golden discs of wonder.
Have a great day, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love fried pickles. The spears are ok, but the dill slices are the best. :-)
