Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pinterestingly enough...

Hello. My name is Amanda, and I'm an addict. My drug? Pinterest. I have 535 pins and I plan on many, many more. I have spent hours upon hours on Pinterest, in lieu of sleeping. I have a problem. And I have a feeling I'm not the only one!!

My pins are diverse, but mostly food (surprised?). I've made 9 of the recipes and about 4 of the crafts. But I have been inspired by the world's craftiness and made things of my own. When I'm in an extremely motivated state, I try to stay away from Pinterest so I can come up with my own stuff, but there probably isn't anything I can think up that hasn't been done. Anyhoodle, here are some items I've made. Sorry, I need to invest in a better camera.
Jewelry Screen, or a Bowholder

I also made some cute bags for a my friends' daughters.

Can you tell I like making felt flowers? They are my craft of the moment. 

My favorite pins are of Home Decor ideas. Right now, with a toddler, those dreams of redecorating are far off into the horizon, but a girl can dream! Look at these colors! So unusual and pretty. I would love this for my daughter's big girl room or the guest bedroom, because I KNOW the hubs would put the kibosh on this for our bedroom. The man can wear pink, but there's no way he'd sleep in teal and pea green sheets. Sigh...

Now I can't end this without a recipe! I found this one for Ginger Crinkles in Woman's Day magazine and they are to die for! I was never a big ginger snap fan, because I'm not into cloves and cinnamon (unless I'm drinking wassail). But these are only flavored with molasses and fresh grated ginger. The butter gives them a crispy chewiness that is heavenly. Please try them over the holidays and let me know what you think!
Ginger Crinkles

Enjoy your Sunday!